Overcoming Physical Challenges: The Inspiring Story of a Lord Ganesha Acrylic Painting on Canvas Created with Foot
Overcoming Physical Challenges: The Inspiring Story of a Lord Ganesha Acrylic Painting on Canvas Created with Foot Painting with a Purpose: The Inspiring Story of a Lord Ganesha Acrylic Painting on Canvas Created with Foot Let me tell you a small story through this painting. The artist of this painting has created a beautiful acrylic painting of Lord Ganesha on canvas using his feet. What makes this story remarkable is that the artist is a physically handicapped person and has lost both his hands due to electrocution. However, he did not let his disability stop him from pursuing his passion for art. He was able to hold a paintbrush between his toes and create a stunning painting. Overcoming Physical Challenges Through Art: The Remarkable Story of a Foot Painter Lord Ganesha is depicted in this painting with very beautiful colors. Which is highly worshiped by the people of Hindu religion in India. Lord Ganesha is known as the remover of obstacles and mostly when people worship Lord Gane...